ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Complicating solidarity: building cultures of care and self criticality in fashion

Complicating solidarity: building cultures of care and self criticality in fashion Friday April 6 11am –12pm. Fashion Studio S301. All Welcome.

Please Join us in welcoming Carmella Farahbakhsh from South House to start a conversation about the how to make NSCADs Fashion Area a safer place to create and share. They will explore ideas such as perfectionism as a barrier to cultivating care based space, examining the roots of performative ally-ship, and the intersections of self-care and building emotional skills around anti-oppression practice.

Light snacks and beverages will be provided!

Carmella is approaching this dialogue from their work at South House as well as a creative person rather than from a fashion perspective.

They invite your questions and suggestions ahead of this discussion and can be reached at Carmella Farahbakhsh <>

Carmella Farahbakhsh is a queer, Baha’i, Iranian, non binary weirdo. They enjoy their work at the South House Sexual and Gender Resource Centre as well as at Venus Envy.

Carmella also collaborates and organizes with local initiatives with an aim to create wider QTBIPOC community and support systems within Halifax.