Price Awards for Excellence in Teaching

The Price Teaching Awards acknowledge the sustained and ongoing contributions and dedication in teaching by both tenure and tenure-track faculty and part-time faculty at NSCAD University.

Terms of Reference

The Price Awards for Excellence in Teaching are presented in honour of J.H. and Mamie Price by Dr. Sarah McKinnon and Mr. Peter Dawes. J.H. and Mamie Price were both educators.

There are two awards available:

  • One for full time faculty
  • One for part time faculty

In 2024 the awards will be valued at $1,000 each.

There will be a call for nominations in March of each year, a winner will be chosen and announced at the graduation ceremony.

Nomination Criteria

Nominations for the award will speak to a candidate’s excellence in terms of a proven commitment to enhanced student engagement and learning, and dedication to student success. Though they may also provide other evidence of teaching excellence, letters of nomination should address all or most of the following criteria:

  • thorough preparation and organization for classes and workshops;
  • rapport with students and enthusiasm for teaching;
  • approaches to teaching and assessment that respect diverse student learning needs;
  • fair and clear assessment methods that are aligned with learning outcomes and instructional approaches.

These criteria are modelled on some aspects of the nomination guidelines for the Association of Atlantic Universities Award for Distinguished Teaching. It is hoped that winners of the Price Awards can be nominated for this regional competition.

Nomination & Selection Process

Responsibility for the teaching award rests in the office of the Academic Dean.

Calls for nominations will be announced in March of each year and there will be a four-week period during which nominations can be made. Students, faculty, and technicians will be invited to complete an online nomination form. In the first year, the Dean will ask Chairs to nominate someone from their division and will work with Communications to build awareness of the award.


A jury will be convened, after the nominations have closed, including the following representatives:

  • The Dean (Chair, non-voting)
  • One member of faculty, normally one of the previous year’s winners
  • One member of the NSCAD University Alumni Association of five years’ standing
  • One current student

The jury will meet following a review of the nominations, against the award criteria and select two finalists. The awards will be presented during the Convocation ceremony.