

Here is where you can access your NSCAD email and inbox. This email is your access point for NSCAD information, news and opportunities.

NSCAD University issues each student a personalized email address. 

We will email your credentials to the personal email address provided on your application. If you have not received your email credentials in a timely manner, please begin by checking your email junk mail in case your email landed there. If you cannot find our email, please contact Admissions at admissions@nscad.ca for an update.


Here is where you can access your NSCAD email and inbox. This email is your access point for NSCAD information, news and opportunities.

NSCAD University issues each student a personalized email address. Once you have returned the commitment statement and paid your commitment fee, the address is created for you.

We will email your credentials to the personal email address provided on your application. If you have not received your email credentials in a timely manner, please begin by checking your email junk mail in case your email landed there. If you cannot find our email, please contact Admissions at admissions@nscad.ca for an update.


Self-Service is a student portal where you can:

  • see your current and future (those you’ve registered for) semester schedules.
  • find your transcript (unofficial listing of all courses and grades that appear on the transcript), and GPA.
  • search our timetable and register online (online registration is only available once you have completed Foundation)

You can log into Self-Service by clicking the button below. To login to this portal, you will need your username and password. Your username is the first part of your NSCAD email address and your password is the same as your email password.