NSCAD is a small, tightly knit school. The easiest way to learn more about us is to talk with us. We can arrange a call, a visit to your school, or give you a tour of our facilities. It all starts with you contacting us.

Talk with our admissions team.

Do you have questions about our programs and undergraduate application requirements? Interested in visiting our campuses to get a taste of student life?
Start a conversation with our recruitment team. 


Recruitment events.

Meet with us when we’re on the road! Here’s where our recruiters will be this year. Contact us and we can meet one-on-one to talk about applying to NSCAD.

Ask our recruitment team about their travel plans


Schedule a tour.

You can book an in-person meeting or on-campus tour with us by emailing or through to request a guided tour with one of our Recruitment Officers. We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Read more.


Portfolio day.

Twice a year, in October and February, we open our doors and welcome future students and their families. On Portfolio Day here at NSCAD, you’ll have the opportunity to receive helpful and encouraging feedback on your portfolio as you prepare to apply to study art and design. Whether you are applying for next year and have a robust collection of artworks, or are still a few years away and are just starting to build up a portfolio, our feedback on Portfolio Day can give you a gentle push in the right direction.

Read more.