ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

PLS presents international designer and author Jennifer Leonard

Join Jennifer Leonard, international designer and author, for Design Possibilities, part of the NSCAD Public Lecture Series, scheduled for Friday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in the Bell Auditorium on the Granville Campus.
“Referencing a personal selection of design’s many colours, forms, functions, methods, stories and applications, I will paint a landscape of the design world today with wide brushstrokes,” says Leonard. “My hope is to take the audience on a journey from ‘the design of the world’ to contemporary ‘design fiction,’ leaving plenty of time for discussion.”

Jennifer is an interdisciplinary Project Leader at IDEO (, a global design consultancy, with deep experience in research methods, participatory design and storytelling techniques. Across four years and multiple IDEO locations, Jennifer’s content depth has grown to include service, environments, hospitality, branding strategy and community design.

Jennifer co-authored  Massive Change (with Bruce Mau), a book about the future of global design, voted one of five top books in 2004 by Wallpaper* magazine. She also worked for ten years as a writer and radio broadcaster in New York and Toronto after studying journalism in graduate school, where she received the top researcher award and the Norman Jewison prize for creative writing. Upon completing an internship at Rolling Stone in 1998, she went on to run a series of popular radio programs and publish feature pieces in a variety of magazines including Details, Nylon, Seed, DAMn, Azure, Saturday Night, Form, and Shift.

Jennifer is an enthusiastic supporter of the arts, particularly as it pertains to collaborative practice and social change, and avidly chronicles the everyday. She is frequently invited to speak at design conferences around the world and was recognized in I.D.’s 2008 design issue for her concept to raise awareness of global warming.

You can watch Jennifer Leonard’s PLS Lecture here.