ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

New exhibitions! Lauren Schaffer, Brand Flavours, Language and Art, Kyla Gilbert

May 21 – June 1, 2019Opening reception: Tuesday, May 21, 5:30 – 7PM
Anna Leonowens Gallery, 1891 Granville Street


Dirty sweep — Lauren Schaffer
visiting artist — Gallery 1

“Less than twelves paces from Toronto artist Lauren Schaffer’s kitchen door lies the entrance to her studio backing onto an alleyway at the end of the yard. The two portals bookend this brief passage through the outdoors with its microbes and leaf mold, its insects and animal life-stations of the day and seasons. One of the doors marks the threshold to the familial and domestic routine while the other opens onto the discipline and solitude of artistic practice. Over the past several years, Schaffer’s traversal along this circuit with its infra-think natural barrier has provided much fodder for her work in digital videos and sculpture through which she has consistently engaged in entomological and domestic themes.” – Jennifer McMackon

Lauren Schaffer is a multidisciplinary artist living in Toronto. Inspired by the limits of perception and research around the intersection of human and animal behaviour, her work encompases sculpture, installation, audio and video. She has received her undergraduate degree from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and her Master of Fine Arts degree from Concordia University. Her work has been exhibited across Canada and been featured in Canadian Art, C Magazine and Espace Magazine.May 21 – 25, 2019
Opening reception: Tuesday, May 21, 5:30 – 7PM
Anna Leonowens Gallery, 1891 Granville Street


Brand Flavours — Design Studio 4
group exhibition — Gallery 2

Students in Huschang Pourian’s Design Studio 4 have spent a semester developing concepts and visual identities for restaurants, cafés and bars. In their exhibition, they aim to push the boundaries of the food and beverage market in Halifax.Coda: Language and Art
group exhibition — organized by Anita Joh and Liam Ross — Gallery 3

Students in Bruce Barber’s Language Into Art class present works that explore conversation, confession, deception and communication. Their exhibition asks the viewer to consider the gap between deeply personal and subjective experiences, and the supposedly objective nature of codified languages.May 22- 26, 2019
Port Loggia Gallery, 1107 Marginal Road


At Home — Kyla Gilbert
undergraduate exhibitor

Gilbert explores intermediary surfaces as bonds/barriers between the internal and the external. Using air and gravity as activating forces, the artist highlights the changeability of matter and the fusion of organic and industrial materials, in parallel to the human body within its environment.

Kyla Gilbert will present two 20-minute performances daily at 2 and 3pm, May 22 – 26th.