ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Art from the Heart: NSCAD student leading fundraiser for Northwood Foundation

Melissa Campbell, third-year Fine Arts student at NSCAD University.

NSCAD student Melissa Campbell is using art to help Nova Scotia’s most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The third-year Fine Arts student is working with the Northwood Foundation to organize an online art auction to raise funds for seniors living at Northwood’s facilities. She has been recruiting artists from all disciplines to donate one work of art to this cause, with each artist incorporating a red heart into their work, symbolizing the Northwood red-heart logo.

“We’re calling our fundraiser Art from the Heart,” said Melissa. “All proceeds from the auction will go towards programs and services for Northwood seniors during these unprecedented times. The work of art doesn’t have to be big or expensive, just from your heart.”

Nationally acclaimed silk artist, Nova Scotia native, and NSCAD alum Holly Carr has agreed to be the fundraiser’s signature artist.

“We’re very grateful to Holly for getting onboard right away. When other artists hear that she is involved, they are eager to help out, too,” said Melissa. “I am hoping to bring artists together for this cause while staying socially distant. We have more than 20 artists taking part right now, and we’re still working to add more.”

Melissa has a personal connection to Northwood, with her mother, Caroline Campbell, serving as the Foundation’s Corporate Director, People Services. Melissa said watching her mother work 12 hour days, seven days a week in support of the residents at Northwood inspired her to try to do something positive for a group of people who have been so greatly impacted by the pandemic.

“Watching my mom go to work every day tired and sad is hard. I just want to help in any way I can, and I know a lot of artists who feel the same way,” Melissa explained.

“Watching my mom go to work every day tired and sad is hard. I just want to help in any way I can, and I know a lot of artists who feel the same way” — Melissa Campbell.

Melissa expects to host the Art from the Heart online auction in early September on Facebook, and she is still accepting artists’ submissions. Anyone who wants to submit a piece of art for the fundraiser should email