ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

COVID-19 testing requirements for students entering Nova Scotia

We are so pleased that you are taking up or returning to studies at NSCAD University in Fall 2020.  We understand that it has been an unsettling time for you and your families.  NSCAD’s highest priority is to protect the health and safety of its community members on its campuses (Fountain, Academy and Port) and wherever they are choosing to study and make art.
Since March, we are working very closely with our community members, the Province of Nova Scotia and universities across the province to ensure consistent and coordinated alignment with public health directives to prevent the potential spread of COVID-19.

Please read this memorandum very carefully, as it contains in it new and important information for students entering Nova Scotia to begin the Fall 2020 term.

I will send another e-mail soon with an update on what we’re doing to ensure health and wellness on campus.  Regular updates about NSCAD’s COVID-19 response can be found at

Provincial requirements for post-secondary schools

To prevent the spread of this virus in our communities, the Nova Scotia provincial government has established rules for post-secondary students arriving in the province from outside Atlantic Canada. These rules are the law in Nova Scotia as part of the public health order under the Health Protection Act.


All students entering Nova Scotia from outside Atlantic Canada must complete the Nova Scotia Safe Check-in. This includes students coming from all other Canadian provinces/territories and from other countries. Once you submit the form, you will be given directions about steps you need to take as required under the public health order.

The self-declaration will ask you for details about where you are self-isolating.


Everyone entering Nova Scotia from outside Atlantic Canada must self-isolate for 14 days upon arrival.


All students entering Nova Scotia from outside Atlantic Canada must get three COVID-19 tests during their self-isolation period.

This includes students who arrive in Nova Scotia on or after August 20, 2020. Students who are already in the province and self-isolating must also be tested.

After you complete the travel form, Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) will email you three COVID-19 test appointments and tell you the location for them (it will either be on campus or nearby). NSHA may also call you to give additional instructions. You are required to take all three tests.

Canadian students are reminded to bring their provincial health card when they come to Nova Scotia.

Stronger together by staying apart

Please familiarize yourself with other mandatory public health measures in Nova Scotia, such as the social distancing requirement of staying 2 metres/6 feet apart from others and wearing a non-medical mask in indoor public places.

For more information specifically for students and their parents, please read the province’s post-secondary fact sheet. We encourage you to also follow @nsgov and

Together, we can create an environment that’s built on trust and respect for all. We all have a role to play to ensure Nova Scotia continues to be safe and to help NSCAD and other post-secondary schools eventually return to normal operations when the public health situation permits.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation with the self-isolation and testing requirements, and all the public health measures in place to help keep us safe. You will soon receive another email with specific details of our plans to protect the health and safety of our community members on and off campus.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at or Tim MacInnes, Registrar at

I look forward to a great fall semester with everyone.


Ann-Barbara Graff (she/her)

Vice-President (Academic & Research) and Provost

NSCAD University