ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Health and Wellness Week at NSCAD

From April 19-22, 2022, join us for Health and Wellness Week at NSCAD University, where several events are being planned to help students unwind after a busy semester. We will have prizes, giveaways, and refreshments!

Events line-up:

Date: April 19, 2022
Location: D230, Fountain Campus

Come relieve some of that end-of-term stress by visiting with a therapy dog team from St. John’s Ambulance.

Registration is not required for this event.

Note: The therapy dog team will be located in D230 so that those who may not wish to be around a dog can avoid the area. The therapy dog team will enter the building from Duke Street and take the elevator shortly before the scheduled time.

Date: April 21, 2022
Location: Second floor presentation area, Port Campus

Register here.

Details: This workshop is designed to teach you methods to root your creative process in your physical experiences. We will
practice body awareness and mindfulness of the senses as ways to channel artistic creation. You will learn a meditative movement exercise and a seated mindfulness practice for relaxing your mind, connecting with your body, and tapping into vivid sensory experience.

Bring a sketchbook, notepad, a ball of clay, or anything you can use to put down ideas.

Refreshments will be available!

Date: April 22, 2022
Location: D241, Fountain Campus
Register here (registration required).

Details: Facilitated by Rachel Manett, Sex Educator, Venus Envy

  • Three prizes per round, early bird and bonus!
  • Refreshments will be provided.

win an essential oil diffuser!

Complete the following five wellness activities to be entered to win an essential oil diffuser.

  • Body Roots Mind Workshop

    Attend Body Roots Mind: Embodiment and Creativity Workshop on April 21, 2022 at Port Campus (Second Floor presentation area).

  • Sex Toy Bingo

    Attend Sex Toy Bingo on April 22, 2022, at Fountain Campus (D241).

  • Drink water!

    Hydration is incredibly important to our health.

  • Move your body!

    Stretch, go for a walk, or workout.

  • Spend time outside!

    The weather is warming which is a great excuse to get outside.

  • Optional visit with the therapy dogs

    On April 19, 2022, join us on Fountain Campus (D230) to relieve end-of-term stress by visiting with a therapy dog.

Your attendance at each event will be confirmed and proof of completing the other activities must be uploaded here.

If you have any questions about Health and Wellness Week, email