ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Alumni Profile: Ivan Flores

Ivan Flores (BFA 2022) is a textile artist from Windsor, ON who just graduated from NSCAD. As the winner of the 2022 Student Art Award, Ivan’s work explores colour and texture through the conceptual framework of dreams.


What is next for you? What are your post-graduation plans?  

After graduating, I plan on applying to, and hopefully participating in, a few residencies around Halifax over the next few years to continue my art practice and eventually go on to do my MFA. I was also lucky enough to find a full-time job sewing for Dormie Workshop in Halifax!


What was your favourite part of NSCAD?

My favourite part of NSCAD is definitely all of the wonderful people I met during my studies. Thanks to the hardworking staff and faculty, my peers, and the lifelong friends I have made, I am the artist I am today. I couldn’t have done it without them!


What was your proudest moment at NSCAD?

My proudest moment at NSCAD was definitely winning the Student Art Award. It felt incredible to be recognized for my hard work, especially when I spend so much time and energy being hyper-critical of my work. Hearing what the jury and the nominating faculty members had to say about my submission gave me the confidence I needed to go out into the world and continue being an artist.


What is your biggest takeaway from your time at NSCAD?

There is so much knowledge that I’ve gained while I’ve been at NSCAD that it’s hard to choose one. I would say my biggest takeaway from NSCAD is realizing that things can always change. I came to NSCAD with the idea of pursuing a digital medium and ended up pursuing textiles and falling in love with it. Always be willing to try something new and learn, that’s what you’re in school to do!


What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were an incoming student?

I wish someone would have told me that it’s okay to make boundaries, to rest and to prioritize my health and well-being. I spent a lot of time over my first few years at NSCAD being burnt out from long studio days and all-nighters. This last year I made a boundary that I would be home for dinner every night no matter what (a boundary I only broke twice) and I always felt rested and ready to continue working when I approached my work.


What inspires your art?

At the core of my practice lies my identity. It has been something I have grappled with my entire life, and always comes out in the work I make. I believe that anything I make, no matter the theme, is tied to who I am, so I try to keep that at the forefront of my work.


What is something you can’t wait to do in your career?

I can’t wait to have my first full-on gallery show. I have big ideas for the current project I’m working on and it would be amazing to see it fully realized one day.


Explore Ivan’s life @ivxnflores and his work @ivxnart.