ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD Materials Fund

Help NSCAD University’s students access the essential supplies and equipment needed for their classes by supporting the NSCAD Materials Fund.

We launched the NSCAD Materials Fund in 2021. Since that time, many donors have supported this initiative to help students facing financial difficulties access the supplies, licences, subscriptions, and equipment needed to make the most of their education. We remain grateful – and so do the students. 

There has been HUGE DEMAND on this fund due to the cost of living crisis that has increased the price of virtually everything our students use and need. We are asking NSCAD’s supporters to help us keep this fund replenished as the needs for this fund will always remain high.

Please consider supporting NSCAD’S students today, as you are able. Thank you.