NSCAD University and Nocturne are a natural pairing in a creative city like Halifax. As the province’s leading cultural institution, it is no surprise that NSCAD alumni, faculty, staff, and students made significant contributions to the annual event, which ran from October 13 – 15, 2022. Nearly 40 individuals and groups connected to the university participated as artists in this year’s Nocturne. Members of the NSCAD community were also visible among Nocturne’s hard-working volunteers who make this amazing event possible.
This year’s Nocturne theme was “Legacies.” The guide notes: “Reflecting on our legacies is a way of honouring our traditions, whilst being accountable to the ways that they may no longer serve us or future generations.”
Nocturne provides an interactive way for the public to connect with artists and their work, extending beyond what is normally possible through the gallery experience. The event also showcases the role of art in community building and demonstrates the need for more public art opportunities.
Some of the highlights from the NSCAD-Nocturne connection this year include:
- Curators Stephanie Yee (BFA 2013) and Lux Habrich (BFA 2015)
- Anchor Projects including NSCAD research assistant l’tandi Munro and Arjun Lal (BFA 2019)
- An outdoor press experience on Granville courtyard with a ‘printing hotdog cart’ with Katherine Taylor (BFA 2010)
- Khyber Centre for the Arts sound installation on the Fountain Campus
NSCAD students, alumni, faculty and staff who participated in Nocturne: Art at Night include:
Ada Denil @attagirl.ad
Andrew Quon @chaka.quon
Angie Arsenault @angiearsenault
Annik Gaudet @annikgaudet
Arjun Lal @arjunlal92
Brandt Eisner @brandt.eisner
Carley Mullally @on_offloom
Carrie Allison @carrieallisonart
Carol Morrison @CarolsFineArt
Darcie Bernhardt @ouiyaghasiak
David Clark @davidclark9321
Excel Garay @excelecious
Hannah Guinan @duglessss
I’thandi Munro @ithandimunro
Jacinte Armstrong @jacinte_a
Jack Ross @jackrossinsta
Jason Skinner @jason.a.m.skinner
Jenny Shi @jennyelizabethshi
Kaas Ghanie @kgceramicsstudio
Kate Grey @kategreystudio
Katherine Victoria Taylor @kvtprints
Keely Hopkins @keely.psd
Kim Morgan @morgankcs
Letitia Fraser @letitiasnfraser
Lou Sheppard @shep_shape
Lux Habrich @lux.sparkledust
Marlene Ramos @kramerpuppy
Andrea Rahal @InkwellBoutique
Rae Rezwell @rae.rezwell
Rajee Jejishergill @butchikaykay
Renee Brazeau @renee_brazeau
Seamus Gallagher @shameusseamus
Shauna MacLeod @blackcrowpottery
Sof Kreidstein @sof.kreid
Stephanie Yee @yeeyayyes
Ursula Handleigh @ursulahandleigh
Wren Tian @wren_indoubt
NSCAD is proud that so many members of our community participated in making this event a great success.
One of Canada’s oldest independent cultural institutions, NSCAD University continues to be regarded as a principal centre for education and research in visual culture in North America. NSCAD has a long history of progressive art-making, dating back to the mid-1960’s when the campus was a haven for the conceptual art movement in North America. Today the NSCAD community is filled with internationally recognized artists, designers, researchers, and scholars.
About Nocturne
Nocturne: Art at Night is a fall festival that brings art and energy to the streets of Halifax between 6 p.m. and midnight. The completely free annual event showcases and celebrates the visual arts scene in Nova Scotia. Nocturne works on building partnerships between organizations to bring the city access to art and wonder, with no barriers. Every year Nocturne works with a new curator to present a theme and Anchor Artists.