ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD University will implement a requirement to be fully vaccinated to be on campus

Dear NSCAD community,
As of January 4, 2022, NSCAD University will require proof of full vaccination in order to work or attend in-person learning or activities on campus. Implementing the mandate, which will apply to students, staff and faculty, as well as any visitors on the premises, will allow us to again offer 24/7 studio access – a valued benefit of NSCAD that we know has been missed.

This new requirement will have no impact on the 97% of the NSCAD community that has already provided proof of vaccination, and we encourage those who have not yet been fully vaccinated (and are able) to do so.

Why the change?

NSCAD is transitioning to this requirement for the following reasons:

  • Requiring full vaccination will help us reinstate certain services to students, like 24/7 access to studios that can help students feel like the studio is truly their space to create whenever they want.
  • Port Campus resides within the Halifax Port Authority (HPA), which is mandating proof of full vaccination for all their staff and tenants. We must comply with HPA’s regulations.
  • It removes any uncertainty associated with the Nova Scotia Health Authority’s workplace testing program possibly ending, which would significantly impact NSCAD University’s ability to host testing clinics.
  • The epidemiology on COVID-19 continues to change, and with new variants and more unknowns, full vaccination offers broader protection.

More information will be shared with the NSCAD community as we approach the new term. If you have any questions, please email and they will forward your message to the appropriate person or department.

As we approach the end of a second year impacted by the pandemic, we would like to thank the NSCAD community for closely following public health protocols and working hard to keep our campuses safe. We are very fortunate to have not had a single known case on campus within the last two years, and this speaks to our collective effort in fighting the pandemic. I hope we can continue this trajectory—please continue to wear your masks, wash your hands and maintain a two-metre (2m) distance whenever possible.

Please note that all employees requiring an accommodation must contact as soon as possible. Students requiring assistance can access support through the office of Opportunity and Belonging by contacting


Sarah McKinnon, PhD
Interim President
NSCAD University