ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD students win Canon Photography Awards

“Tara” sol Legault

Three NSCAD University student photographers: sol Legault, Jacob Mailman and Lindsay Ballard, were recently recognized in a new partnership between the university and Canon Canada Inc., valued at $8000 per year.

The inaugural Canon Photography Awards for 2009-2010 are designed to honour graduating NSCAD photography students and to acknowledge Canon’s continuing commitment to the world of photography.

As first prize winner, sol received a professional digital SLR camera and lens, valued at $5000. Second and third prizes of $2000 and $1000 were awarded to Jacob and Lindsay, respectively.

Lindsay graduated with her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in December 2009, while Sol and Jacob will receive their degrees at the May 15 Graduation & Commencement Ceremony.

“NSCAD’s photography students enthusiastically embraced the new Canon award,” says Alvin Comiter, Media Arts Division Chair. “My faculty colleagues and I appreciate Canon’s confidence in our program and our students, and I know the company will continue to be impressed by the quality of work entered in the years to come.”

“Canon Canada is thrilled to partner with NSCAD University to create this very special award in recognition of outstanding photographic talent,” adds Colleen Ryan, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at Canon Canada Inc. “Through our corporate philosophy of kyosei, which means living and working together for the common good, Canon Canada is honoured to play a part in the development of Canada’s finest young photographers.”

The Canon Photography Awards will be presented annually for the next three years.

NSCAD President David B. Smith with sol Legault, Jacob Mailman, Stewart Naylor of Canaon Canada, and Professor Alvin Comiter.