ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD University launches its Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Targeted Action Plan

NSCAD University has launched its first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Targeted Action Plan (EDI TAP). This plan is based on the priorities identified by the NSCAD community in the cross-institutional workshops held from February to April 2021. It reflects the needs of the university, and the demonstrated actions required to meet those needs.
Oversight and implementation of the EDI TAP will be provided by the President’s Advisory Council on Anti-Racist Initiatives (PADCARI). Different stakeholders may be called upon in different ways, and the success of this plan will be achieved as a collective.Text of the graphic reads

Work has already begun on the foundational actions listed in the plan, including the equity census completed in late October. In the coming weeks, a summary report of the census data will be shared, followed by a more detailed report in early new year. In addition to the census work, the university will be addressing the underrepresentation of Indigenous, Black and other racialized people at the faculty and staff level, with a cluster hiring initiative commencing in December 2021. This will not simply be an act to increase diversity at NSCAD, but the faculty welcomed from this cluster hire will have their needs properly supported and will have access to mentorship opportunities. More information will be shared once recruitment begins.

For the EDI TAP to be a success, all members of the NSCAD community are encouraged to be active participants in helping the university become an art, craft, media and design institution where everyone can benefit and engage fully. Thank you to those who have demonstrated interest and support, and for participating as needed along the way.

For more information on NSCAD’s EDI efforts, visit