ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Observing National Truth and Reconciliation Day and celebrating Treaty Day/Mi’kmaq History Month

NSCAD recognizes the following message about honouring the Survivors of residential schools and their families may  be an unwelcome reminder for those who suffered generations of harm through government policies and decisions toward Indigenous peoples. If you need someone to talk to, please connect with  the National Residential School Crisis line anytime toll-free at 1-866-925-4419.


Dear students, faculty, staff and friends,

September 30 marks the second National Truth and Reconciliation Day, a time for Canadians to honour the Survivors of residential schools and to ensure the public commemoration of their painful history and legacy remains essential to ongoing reconciliation efforts. NSCAD University will close it campuses on Friday, September 30 and I encourage everyone to take time during the day to begin or continue your awareness of the history and impact of residential schools, and to advance your understanding and compassion for reconciliation and healing .

On October 1, we celebrate Treaty Day to honour the spirit and significance of the 1752 Treaty of Friendship and Peace, and to help us commemorate the beliefs, rights and values of Indigenous peoples and the special relationship they have with the Crown. Saturday is also the beginning of Mi’kmaq History Month in Nova Scotia, a special time each year to recognize the history, culture and contributions of the Mi’kmaq people. As we do throughout the year, we reaffirm that we are all in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq Nation, and we remember that we are all treaty people.

I encourage students, faculty and staff to visit Aghalingiak’s (Zoe Ohokannoak)’“Kanok Piniaka / The Process of Embodied Practices” on exhibit at the Treaty Space Gallery (1107 Marginal Rd.) until November 10.

You can learn more about the events happening in our community and resources to help to commemorate National Truth and Reconciliation Day through this link.

My very best to you all,

Peggy Shannon, PhD, MFA
NSCAD University