ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD accepting applications for residency programs

NSCAD University is accepting applications for its residency programs from recent graduates of its undergraduate and graduate courses.
The residence programs are offered in four sites across Nova Scotia:

  • Lunenburg
  • Dartmouth
  • New Glasgow
  • Sydney

Residents become active participants in their host communities, engaging town residents in the visual arts through exhibitions, receptions and guest lectures.

“Participation in a residency program is a great way to launch, or continue, an artistic career after graduation from NSCAD,” said Linda Hutchison, Associate Vice-President University Relations, NSCAD University. “The residency provides alumni artists the physical space, and frame of mind, to work and continue developing as an artist. Prime studio space is offered in exchange for community involvement, such as holding community workshops for adults and leading art classes for children.”

A residency program is an exciting option for artists who have an interest in community engagement, developing teaching skills, and sharing their work with a diverse group of art enthusiasts.

The application deadline for 2020 residency programs is Friday, February 28, 2020. For information on the program and to apply, visit