ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.


The foundation year, which is the first year of study at NSCAD University, introduces the practices, principles, approaches and issues of art, craft and design. It allows new students the opportunity to begin to focus on a particular discipline area or combination of discipline areas.

Students should plan to complete the 30-credit foundation year before taking courses at the 2000 level or higher. The foundation year is composed of four three-credit required FNDN courses and the remaining 18 credits chosen from among other 1000-level courses. Check Self-Service for course availability as not all elective foundation year courses are available every semester.

In a student’s foundation year, registration in two required courses is recommended in the first semester and registration in two required courses is recommended in the second semester. The remaining courses in each semester should be selected from the elective foundation courses. The standard number of credits in each semester of the foundation year, in a standard plan of study, is 15 credits, which allows the opportunity to complete the foundation year in two semesters.

Program Requirements

The Foundation Year, which is the first year of study at NSCAD University, introduces the practices, principles, approaches
and issues of art, craft and design. It allows new students the opportunity to begin to focus on a particular discipline area
or combination of discipline areas.

Students should plan to complete the 30-credit Foundation Year before taking courses at the 2000 level or higher. The
Foundation Year is composed of four three-credit required FNDN courses and the remaining 18 credits chosen from among
other 1000-level courses. Check Self-Service for course availability as not all elective Foundation Year courses are available
every semester.

In a student’s Foundation Year, registration in two required courses is recommended in the first semester and registration
in two required courses is recommended in the second semester. The remaining courses in each semester should be
selected from the elective Foundation courses listed below. The standard number of credits in each semester of the
Foundation Year, in a standard plan of study is 15 credits, which allows the opportunity to complete the Foundation Year in
two semesters.

Standard Foundation Year - First Semester

Six credits of four 1000-level required courses
FNDN 1010 Intro to Studio Practice(3-credits)
FNDN 1100 Foundation Drawing I(3-credits)
FNDN 1200 Intro to Visual Culture(3-credits)
FNDN 1800 Writing for the Arts(3-credits)
Nine Credits of 19 1000-level elective courses
ARTS-1000 Fundamentals of Wood and Metal(3-credits)
CRFT-1000 Form: Structure and Material(3-credits)
CRFT-1010 Material Exploration and Expression
CRFT-1015 Materials and Colour(3-credits)
CRFT-1030 Digital Tools for Making(3-credits)
DRAW-1500 Foundation Drawing II 3(3-credits)
DSGN-1000 Digital Tools for Designing(3-credits)
DSGN-1010 Material Exploration and Expression(3-credits)*
DSGN -1500 or DSGN-1550 Studio Practice: Design Fundamentals(6-credits)
DSGN-1510 Creativity in Design Practice(3-credits)
DSGN-1520 Visual Thinking: Drawing and Model Making(3-credits)
FILM-1000 Moving Image(3-credits)
MDIA-1000 Expanded Media(3-credits)
PHOT-1000 Photography(3-credits)
PNTG-1500 Painting(6-credits)
PRTM-1500 Screen Printing(3-credits)
PRTM-1510 Relief Printmaking(3-credits)
SCLP-1000 Sculpture(6-credits)
TEXL-1000 Fundamentals of Textiles(3-credits)

* cross-listed courses (the same course offered to meet requirements of two different programs)

Standard Foundation Year - First Semester

Six credits of four 1000-level required courses
FNDN 1010 Intro to Studio Practice(3-credits)
FNDN 1100 Foundation Drawing I(3-credits)
FNDN 1200 Intro to Visual Culture(3-credits)
FNDN 1800 Writing for the Arts(3-credits)
Nine Credits of 19 1000-level elective courses
ARTS-1000 Fundamentals of Wood and Metal(3-credits)
CRFT-1000 Form: Structure and Material(3-credits)
CRFT-1010 Material Exploration and Expression(3-credits)*
CRFT-1015 Materials and Colour(3-credits)
CRFT-1030 Digital Tools for Making(3-credits)
DRAW-1500 Foundation Drawing II 3(3-credits)
DSGN-1000 Digital Tools for Designing(3-credits)
DSGN-1010 Material Exploration and Expression(3-credits)*
DSGN -1500 or DSGN-1550 Studio Practice: Design Fundamentals(6-credits)
DSGN-1510 Creativity in Design Practice(3-credits)
DSGN-1520 Visual Thinking: Drawing and Model Making(3-credits)
FILM-1000 Moving Image(3-credits)
MDIA-1000 Expanded Media(3-credits)
PHOT-1000 Photography(3-credits)
PNTG-1500 Painting(6-credits)
PRTM-1500 Screen Printing(3-credits)
PRTM-1510 Relief Printmaking(3-credits)
SCLP-1000 Sculpture(6-credits)
TEXL-1000 Fundamentals of Textiles(3-credits)

* cross-listed courses (the same course offered to meet requirements of two different programs)


Faculty members are accomplished artists, scholars, educators and leaders in their craft. Sarah Maloney is the Foundation Chair. For a list of full faculty, click the button below.

Sarah Maloney
Division Chair