ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

New exhibitions! Visiting artist Mark Mitchell; here nor there group exhibition; Alexandra Gasparis

August 6 – 17, 2019Opening reception: Tuesday, August 6, 5:30 – 7PM
Anna Leonowens Gallery, 1891 Granville Street


White Work  — Mark Mitchell
visiting artist, with support from Arts Nova Scotia  — Gallery 1
Artist Talk: Wednesday, August 14, 12 Noon

Mark Mitchell uses fine dressmaking and millinery techniques to make highly realized sculptures that tell stories, mourn, and memorialize often using the tropes of funeral traditions. He exhibited his last large body of work in 2013 in a solo exhibition at the Frye Art Museum. Burial dealt with issues of mortality and mourning through burial garments. White Work takes on mourning in a different form, with activist intention.

Based in Tucson Arizona, Mark Mitchell’s contributions span art, music, and theater. His magnum opus, Mark Mitchell: Burial, a performance and installation, was showcased in a solo exhibition at the Frye Art Museum, 2013, to critical and popular acclaim. In November 2016, Burial was presented in a solo exhibition in Beirut, Lebanon. Mitchell was shortlisted for the Neddy Artist Award at Cornish, 2015, for the Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award, 2016 and 2017 and was the recipient of the Kayla Skinner Award, Betty Bowen Committee, Seattle Art Museum, 2016. His work is in public and private collections, including that of the Frye Art Museum.August 13 – 17, 2019
Opening reception: Monday, August 12, 5:30 – 7PM
Anna Leonowens Gallery, 1891 Granville Street


here nor there
Kayza DeGraff Ford, Excel Garay, Natasha Grenke & Zoë Newell
undergraduate exhibitors — Gallery 2

Four painters will explore modes of non-traditional portraiture in here nor there. Painting is a medium that calls into question reality versus reinterpretation, as the act of constructing an image becomes inescapably personal. Is a painting more or less authentic due to its inherent subjectivity? A variety of contemporary portrait methods will be on display, creating a diverse conversation involving the renegotiation of images.Splurge
Alexandra Gasparis
undergraduate exhibitor— Gallery 3

With a fondness for material that has outlived its intended use, Gasparis collects textures, colors, and form. Material is manipulated and juxtaposed to create playful, vibrant pieces that serve as adornment, small-scale furniture, and sculpture.