ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Whassup with WAS?

You never know what’ll come down the runway at the Wearable Art Show. Here’s a look at creations from last year’s show. (Chris Brown Photo)

If you’re wondering who’s organizing the Wearable Art Show this year, look for the textiles/fashion student with the bright red hair.

“I colored it for the show, to go with the AIDS Coalition’s red ribbon campaign,” says Nicole Dnistrianskyj, who just dyed her hair a shade of “luscious raspberry,” according to the name on the box. “I thought I might as well do something fierce.”

The Wearable Art Show is now in its 22nd year, with proceeds going to the AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia and a NSCAD scholarship fund. This year’s edition takes place Saturday, March 10, 7 p.m. at the Multipurpose Centre in Halifax Forum.

As the primary organizer, Nicole is still accepting applicants who’d like to take part in the show. Applicants can apply to or get in touch via the Facebook group. (Search ‘Wearable Art Show’ or ‘WAS 2012’). The deadline for applications has been extended to Friday, February 11.

“It’s a great place to showcase your work and the proceeds go to charity, so it’s double good,” says Nicole, 21.

She’d also like to hear from folks who can volunteer before and during the show, for example, by doing set up and tear down.

Nicole volunteered at the last year’s show and had a blast. She knew she wanted to be involved again and so started planning even before the fall term opened in September.
On top of nailing down the myriad of details that go into making an event run smoothly, she’s also working on a line of high-fashion, bird-inspired dresses to send down the Wearable Art Show runway.

“I’m hyper organized,” she says with a smile. “I’ve got to be. I’ve got hundreds of feathers to sew on to my snowy owl dress.”

The tickets are now being printed and will be available soon. They are $20 regular, $15 for students.