ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

2018-2019 NSCAD University Board of Governors

My Chairman’s message in the 2017-2018 NSCAD University Annual Report talks about how we in the NSCAD Community stand on the cusp of realizing our bright future. We have the plans in place to move toward that bright future, and are seeing the fruits of our labour: we have unanimous Board support for the Halifax Waterfront Arts & Cultural Destination; a 19 per cent increase in the number of students from Nova Scotia this fall; overall enrolments have increased over last year and retention of continuing students is at 91 per cent; and  our financial outlook is positive.
It is my great pleasure to announce more positive news with the introduction of the 2018- 2019 NSCAD University Board of Governors. This Board was ratified during the Annual General Meeting held yesterday, September 20. I have every confidence the following individuals possess the experience, talent, commitment and connections to embrace NSCAD’s very positive momentum and lead us to further success.

Officers of the Board:
Chair Louise Anne Comeau, Vice President, Customer Development, Emera
Vice-Chair Sean Kelly, Lawyer, Stewart McKelvey
Treasurer Alan MacPherson, President, Duron Atlantic Ltd.
Secretary Cameron Jantzen, Creative Director, Rarebird Brand Strategy and Design, (BDes 2003)
Ex-officio: Prof. Dianne Taylor-Gearing, NSCAD University President
Standing Committee Chairs:
Governance & Human Resources Greg Bambury, Chief Human Resources Officer, Medavie Blue Cross
Audit & Risk Oversight Dave van de Wetering, Account Director, Ciena Canada
Advancement Dr. Marco Chiarot, Citadel Oral Facial Surgery
Financial & Physical Resources Alan MacPherson, President, Duron Atlantic Ltd.

[/mk_table][mk_table]I extend a special welcome to:

New Governors-at-Large joining us for three-year terms:
Steven Peters, Former Tax Accountant, KPMG; Practicing Ceramic Artist
Dean Leland, CEO/Managing Partner, Oceanstone Seaside Resort
They will join current Governors-at-Large who are reappointed for three-year terms:
Ross Cantwell, President, HRM Apartments
Greg Bambury, Chief Human Resources Officer, Medavie Blue Cross
Gary Edwards, Musician, Hopping Penguins; Instructor, Annex Hockey
And, new Life Governors:
Elizabeth Currie, Retired Business Executive
Paul Goodman, FCPA, FCA, FCIRP (ret.), FIIC, Retired
Dr. David Murphy, DVM, MD, CM, (BFA 2001)
Current Governors-in-Council:
Faten Alshazly, Chief Creative Officer & Principal, WeUsThem
Joanne Hames, Senior Manager Internal Communications, Crombie REIT
Maggie Marwah, Consultant, Marwah & MacLeod Communications Management
Sean Kelly, Lawyer, Stewart McKelvey
David van de Wetering, Account Director, Ciena Canada
Jim Horwich, Partner (Business Advisor), Grant Thornton LLP
NSCAD Faculty Governors:
Ericka Walker, Associate Professor, Fine Art, Printmaking
Rebecca Hannon, Associate Professor, Jewellery & Foundation Studies
Student Governors:
Kassidy Bernard, Bachelor of Design; President, SUNSCAD
Peri McFarlane, Bachelor of Fine Art; Vice President Finance, SUNSCAD

Alumni Governors:

Siobhan Cleary, President, Spectacle Communications Group (BDes 1993)
Cameron Jantzen, Creative Director, Rarebird Brand Strategy and Design, (BDes 2003)
Union/Board Representatives:
Sean Kelly, Lawyer, Stewart McKelvey
Cameron Jantzen, Creative Director, Rarebird Brand Strategy and Design, (BDes 2003)

[/mk_table]Our Board of Governors is a tremendous asset to the University. I wish them well as they begin their terms and thank them heartily for their time and commitment to NSCAD. For more information on our Board of Governors’ biographies and backgrounds, please contact Kathy Connor, Executive Assistant Governance & President’s Office at We will also upload biographies to the Governance section of our website.

– Past Chair Jeff Somerville on newly appointed 2018-2019 Board of Governors