ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

fountain campus

Minister’s announcement is next step in NSCAD’s re-imagined, sustainable future

Earlier today Leo Glavine, Minister of Communities, Culture & Heritage announced that planning will begin for a proposed cultural hub on the Halifax waterfront which will include a new NSCAD University campus and Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. An RFP (request for proposals) to proceed with exploration of the development of a new facility will be issued in the coming weeks.
Planning Begins to Explore New Cultural Hub on the Halifax Waterfront |

This is exciting news! It signifies steps being taken and support for our plan that includes a NSCAD and AGNS co-located facility — an iconic destination, prominent and recognizable, yet operationally sustainable for both. It will:
– create high quality collaborative space for experiencing, creating and learning about visual arts, craft, design and culture;
– be fully accessible;
– protect our works and collections in a way our current facilities do not;
– allow us to display our collections in a way our current facilities do not;
– maximize programming synergies; and
– realize efficiencies on both capital and operating costs.

One step at a time, though. First the RFP. Then about six months to complete essential exploration and project definition. We are committed to communicating throughout the process and to involve stakeholders as we proceed toward the ultimate goal: to realize a new paradigm – one at the centre of a vibrant hub of innovation and a re-imagined sustainable future.