ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

2018 Halifax Urban Design Awards Designed by NSCAD Student

The 2018 Halifax Urban Design Awards

Urban design plays an important role in enhancing the quality of life for residents of the Halifax Regional Municipality.
Urban design helps build better communities by improving the functionality, sustainability and overall appearance of the public and private spaces. Done well, design makes a lasting positive impact for residents now and in the future.

The Awards

The 2018 Halifax Urban Design Awards honour excellence in the field and celebrate many important contributions to the community. On May 4, 2018 we will celebrate the award winners in a ceremony at the O’Regan Hall in the Halifax Central Library. Award ceremonies will be held every two years to honour design excellence in five categories.

Through creative and thoughtful design, the connection between built and unbuilt spaces – buildings, streets and open spaces – is brought to life, adding significant beauty and value to our community.

In the spirit of design excellence, the municipality challenged NSCAD design students to create a trophy that will be presented to winners in each of the five categories.

We are pleased to announce that Sasan Moradian, a fourth-year interdisciplinary student, has created the winning design.

Sasan is a multidisciplinary designer who started his work with a group of artists and young architects as a freelancer, in Tehran. Sasan has worked as a full-time graphic designer in different design agencies. For nearly a decade, Sasan has worked on a range of design projects, including logo and identity design, signage design, environmental branding, website design, packaging and layout.


Urban Design Awards Design by Sasan Mordian

This winning design encapsulates the spirit of the Urban Design Awards – a street grid that reminds us to consider the relationship between buildings, streets and public and open spaces. The relationship between a person and the street, at ground level, is what urban design is all about.

Urban Design Awards by Sasan Moradian