ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Course for Educators: Teaching the Visual Arts

“At the very least, participatory involvement with the many forms of art can enable us to see more in our experience, to hear more on normally unheard frequencies, to become conscious of what daily routines have obscured, what habit and convention have suppressed.” 

–Maxine Greene from “Releasing the Imagination: Essays on Education, the Arts, and Social Change” (1995) 

teaching art NSCAD
mARTch Break Camp

Teaching the Visual Arts EDAR 5110 

July 9th – 20th, 2018 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 09:00AM – 05:00PM 

Granville, Room G219 


Teaching the Visual Arts approaches art-making and the teaching of art to others as essential aspects of human development, well-being, and learning. Art is considered a method for understanding and making meaningful connections with the world.  


Through this intensive two-week teaching art course, art educator and artist Renée Forrestall ( will introduce students to fundamental art skills and sensitivities, developmental aspects of visual art education, and pedagogies relating to art education 

Enrolled members of the course may be K-12 teachers or teachers-in-training or those studying fine arts, design, art history, or a related area who are interested in the application of their discipline to teaching contexts.   


Members of the class will work through a variety of 2 and 3D media and activities designed to increase the knowledge and skills required to support the artistic needs and abilities of diverse students. Projects will be based on the interests of participants and include teaching art experimentations such as wearable art, environmental art, projection, drawing, painting, printmaking, and paper cutting. Workshop, studio, and discussion time will take place both inside and outside of the classroom in select field trip locations. Following the creation of the artworks, methods for presentation and exhibition will be explored.  

teaching art 

This course will also help to articulate the relationship between how art is taught and made in classrooms and broader contextual influences. The specific possibilities and constraints involved in teaching art such as working with large groups, sourcing materials, planning and organization will be addressed. Of interest is the notion of art integration and approaches to making explicit connections between art and other subjects such as science, history, social studies, language arts, and math. Art-making is considered an inherently valuable pursuit that strengthens other forms of knowledge.  


Teaching art emphasis will be placed on methods and practices of collaboration, both between members of the class and the essential connections between schools, universities, public art institutions (museums, galleries, discovery centres), and local community art organizations and non-profits.  Such partnerships in arts-based learning are essential to supporting students’ imagination, creativity, and expression. Enrollees will bring their unique skills and perspectives to projects that encourage risk-taking through shared participatory experiences.   


To enroll: 

For students currently registered in the NSCAD Visual Arts Certificate for Teachers, please contact Joann Reynolds-Farmer at 


For students from other NSCAD programs, local universities, or in-service teachers, please contact Dr. April Mandrona at  

Learning NSCAd
NSCAD student lead ceramics class