ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Margaret and David Fountain’s $3 million Gift

NSCAD University is pleased to announce a significant gift from Margaret and David Fountain. Earlier this week, the Fountain family gave $3-million to NSCAD University, demonstrating their continuing community leadership and confidence in the future of the university.
The gift, one of the largest in the university’s 127-year history, will allow NSCAD to undertake a number of major improvements to its downtown campus.

David and Margaret Fountain and Dr. Dan O’Brien pose by the newly named Fountain Campus.

“This is an outstanding gift and solidifies a recent Board decision to continue to occupy our historic campus,” says Dr. Daniel O’Brien, President of NSCAD. The Board of Governors is committed to remaining in and investing in the nationally-designated historic site.

“The gift from the Fountains represents a major endorsement in the school’s continued vitality,” says Grant Machum, Chair of the NSCAD Board of Governors. “Moreover, it’s really an incredible gift, not only for NSCAD, but to the cultural community of Nova Scotia, of which NSCAD plays a major role.”

In recognition of the landmark gift, the historic facilities will be named Fountain Campus. Fountain Campus is housed in the Historic Properties district and is an interconnected row of former merchant shops and warehouses.

“Students at NSCAD love the aesthetic of this motley collection of buildings, their distinctive character and their ability to enhance creative expression,” said Margaret Fountain. “David and I are delighted to have the Granville Block named in our honour.”

Margaret Fountain has been on NSCAD’s Board of Governors for 14 years and is passionate about the university and the students who choose to pursue an education at NSCAD.

Margaret Fountain announces a $3-million gift for NSCAD as students, faculty and media reps look on.
Dr. Daniel O’Brien announces a decision by the Board of Governors to name the historic downtown campus Fountain Campus.
The Anna Leonowens Gallery is packed as Margaret Fountain approaches the podium.