ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD and NSCC collaborate on two new programs

Don Bureaux, President of NSCC, and Dr. Daniel O’Brien, President of NSCAD, sign the paperwork formalizing two new joint programs in photography and film. (Matthew Madden Photo)

Nova Scotia Community College and NSCAD University are partnering on two new articulation agreements which would allow students to attend both NSCC and NSCAD. The students would graduate in four years with both a college diploma and a university degree.

The “2-plus-2” arrangement-two years at NSCC followed by two years at NSCAD-is now available in film and photography.  An articulation agreement for design is already in effect.

“This is for students who are looking for programs that will give them marketable skills and critical thinking skills,” says Dr. Dan O’Brien, President of NSCAD University, as he and Don Bureaux, President of NSCC, signed a Memorandum of Understanding recently at NSCC’s Leeds Campus. “Our view is that together we combine the best of our two worlds, so that students can reach their end goals much more quickly.”

The articulation agreements will streamline the process of transferring credits and allow students to move easily between the two post-secondary institutions.

The “2-plus-2” arrangements in film and photography will appeal to current students at NSCC, high school students who are contemplating their post-secondary education, and NSCC graduates who may want to further their careers by completing a university degree.

“With NSCC and NSCAD working collaboratively, we can offer additional options to students and provide a learning experience that best equips graduates for the economy of tomorrow,” said Mr. Bureaux.