ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD announces studio residence participants

NSCAD University continues its artist-in-residence program with communities across Nova Scotia, with six NSCAD alumni beginning their residencies this month.
The residency programs offer emerging artists an opportunity to integrate into a new community through art, creativity and engagement. It’s also a great way to kickstart an artistic career.

“A residency program is an exciting option for artists who have an interest in community engagement, developing teaching skills, and sharing their work with a diverse group of art enthusiasts,” said Martine Durier-Copp, PhD, Dean, NSCAD University. “Residents become active participants in their host communities, engaging town residents in the visual arts through exhibitions, receptions and guest lectures.”

NSCAD’s artist-in-residence programs take part in three communities: Lunenburg, New Glasgow, and Sydney.

Jessie McLaughlin (BFA 2020).

In Lunenburg, Jessie McLaughlin (BFA 2020), Sienna Maeba (BFA 2020), and Undine Foulds (BFA 2020) are the artists-in-residence this fall. McLaughlin is a textile and fashion artist who explores how materials, text, colour and the textile processes of weaving, quilting and applique create knitted and woven clothing. Maeba has an interdisciplinary practice that also incorporates fashion and textiles, with a focus on colour palettes, while Foulds is an interdisciplinary artist working in ceramics with a focus on slip casting.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Jessie, Sienna and Undine to Lunenburg ,” said Lunenburg Mayor Rachel Bailey. “The artist in residence program contributes greatly to the cultural vitality of this community and also to the development and creativity of local artists.”

NSCAD’s first partnership was forged with the Town of Lunenburg in 2006. Since its establishment, many of the NSCAD alumni who moved to Lunenburg through the program continue to live and work in the area. Each year, up to three NSCAD alumni share the large, light-filled studio in the triple bays of Lunenburg’s former fire hall.

Sienna Maeba (BFA 2020)

Merryn Tresidder (MFA 2020) will serve as artist-in-residence in New Glasgow this fall. Tresidder is particularly interested in the Celtic diaspora and immigration, and has a keen interest in collaborating with First Nations communities. The NSCAD-New Glasgow Artist Residency program is a partnership between the Town of New Glasgow and NSCAD University.

In Dartmouth, Nick Nylen (BFA 2020) and Natasha Verbeke (BFA 2020) are the successful artists-in-residence. Nylen has experience working and organizing youth summer camps, and as an early childhood educator. He explores ideas surrounding the natural and unnatural through various forms of paint applications. Verbeke has significant experience with community engagement, having worked with high school students in South Africa through the NSCAD Art in Schools program. She creates large scale abstract oil paintings and brings elements of historical painting into a contemporary landscape.

NSCAD’s partner in Dartmouth is the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning, a community youth hub which offers programming in the visual arts, music, video, creative writing and technology for youth between the ages of 12 to 19. The incoming NSCAD residents share a studio on the third floor of the bustling teen centre in downtown Dartmouth.

The Sydney program partners with the Cape Breton Centre for Craft in concert with NSCAD’s Masters in Art Education and the Creative Entrepreneurship Lab led by Special Advisor Gregory Adolphe-Nazaire.

Learn more about NSCAD community studio residences here.