ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD gets $1.2 million from NS to help with COVID-19 costs

Like all post-secondary institutions (PSI) in the province, NSCAD suddenly faced unexpected and substantial financial pressures from reduced tuition revenues and increased technology, online course development and operational costs when it stopped on-campus instruction in March 2020. PSIs have been working with and following direction from NS Public Health Authority and NS Labour and Advanced Education to ensure students could continue their academic journey while preventing the spread of COVID-19.
In recognition of the post-secondary sector’s role in Nova Scotia’s cultural, social and economic well-being, the province is now investing $25 million to help its universities manage the ongoing financial impacts of the pandemic. NSCAD will receive more than $1.2 million to help meet ongoing operational challenges related to keeping both its students and communities safe.

“Today’s wonderful announcement underscores the province’s clear understanding of the university sector’s value and the benefits it creates for Nova Scotians,” said NSCAD Interim President Sarah McKinnon, PhD. “Helping to keep universities strong and stable during the most uncertain times we’ve faced reflects the positive and collaborative partnership we are fortunate to have with the province. The $1.2 million in funding will help NSCAD better manage COVID-related impacts and plan for a sustainable future.”

Although classes have not been taking place in a face-to-face environment since last March, the university’s expenses continue and include employee salaries, building maintenance and security, and mortgage payments on facilities.

Throughout 2020, NSCAD invested substantially in professional online learning and teaching development, superior digital production, and upgrades to our learning management system technology. These investments help make NSCAD’s online courses as creative, meaningful and diverse as our in-person programs by ensuring the online programming we offer is of the highest quality for our students.

Universities expect to start receiving the funding in the coming weeks. The amounts each institution will get is based on information provided by the universities on expenses incurred in responding to the pandemic.