ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD University Celebrates International Women’s Day with New Scholarship for Women Students in Design

Christine Goudie smiling for the camera
Christine Goudie, co-founder and CEO, Granville Medical

NSCAD University has announced that Christine Goudie (BDes 2007), Granville Biomedical Co-Founder and CEO, is establishing a new scholarship at her alma mater. Starting in September 2021, the Granville Biomedical Award will be available to a woman who is an upper-year NSCAD design student with a demonstrated high level of academic achievement and a strong interest in pursuing design for healthcare or wellness. Granville Biomedical is making the gift announcement on the eve of International Women’s Day.

“My time at NSCAD was an important time in my education, which provided me with the skills and confidence to identify my vision and pursue my design ambitions. It’s an honour to be in a position to give back,” said Ms. Goudie. “I want to encourage more diversity within healthtech design, which is why our student award was created for a woman. Women are under-represented in the entrepreneurial field and this award is intended to encourage an up-and-comer with big dreams.”

The company – named after the location of the NSCAD campus where the design program has been located since the mid-1970s – designs, manufactures and markets products that provide affordable, hands-on learning opportunities within women’s health. The company recently evolved into a medical device design company to create much needed testing supplies during COVID.

“This visionary gift is very much aligned with NSCAD’s strategic focus on creative careers in the arts and beyond,” said NSCAD Interim President Sarah McKinnon. “The Granville Biomedical Award will be significant for the recipients. Our students have talent and determination, but they need encouragement. It is so generous that alumni like Ms. Goudie provide that inspiration.”

The Granville Biomedical Award will be valued at $1,000. Ms. Goudie intends to increase the value of the award as her company continues to grow. Goudie has also been involved with sharing her experience with NSCAD students and alumni as a participant in the alumni entrepreneur panel at the launch of the Creative Entrepreneurship Lab.

“Ms. Goudie has demonstrated that you can make a difference for future students as a donor and volunteer early in your career,” said Dr. McKinnon. “We thank her for generosity and social conscience. She is an inspiration and a great representative of the impact NSCAD alumni are having in the world.”