ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Honorary Doctorate and Life Fellow Call for Nominations 2024

Zainub Verjee and Luc Courchesne, 2022 hHonorary Doctorate recipients
2022 Honorary Doctorate recipients, Zainub Verjee and Luc Courchesne

Honorary Degree Committee ‐ Call for Nominations for 2024 Recipients Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa) and Life Fellow.

Closing date: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nominate the exceptional individuals that inspire us, challenge us, and shape the world around us for NSCAD University’s prestigious Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa) and Life Fellow awards!

Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa)The Honorary Degree Committee is seeking nominations for individuals who embody excellence across diverse fields, and have developed new knowledge, new value, new perspective, new capability, new appreciation, new event, or a new object. This person’s achievements represent groundbreaking innovation, transformative leadership, or unparalleled dedication to service in art, media, craft, and design.  

Life Fellow: NSCAD University seeks to recognize former faculty, staff, alumni, and other individuals who have made significant, long-term contributions to the life and development of the university. 

Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate those who have left an indelible mark on NSCAD University, higher education, and society at large. Help us honour their outstanding contributions and ensure a diverse pool of nominees that reflects the richness of our community and the nation.

For full details about eligibility and selection criteria, please refer to the Honorary Degree Policy.

Please send a detailed letter and supporting material in confidence, indicating whether the nomination is for an Honorary Degree or Life Fellow to You can also email us with any questions.