ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Donor FAQ

Please visit to make a donation. You may choose to direct your gift to scholarships and bursaries, or one of the many priorities identified on the donation page. Whatever aspect of our work you choose to contribute to, please know that you are helping NSCAD University fulfill its mission.

If you made your donation online through, simply log into your account to access your receipts. If you donated by mail, phone or directly through the NSCAD University website, please contact indicating your name and approximate gift date.

This is very exciting news and we are eager to work with you to realize your vision. Please contact our Advancement Director who will be happy to assist you further.

Yes. Donations support the designated purpose identified by our donors.

Yes, NSCAD University has an endowment. Endowments are designed to provide long-term sustainability for priorities that cannot be supported by the university’s operating budget. Donors may contribute to our general endowment or establish named funds based on a minimum investment tied to the intended purpose. Please contact our Advancement Director who can respond to your specific questions.

NSCAD University may choose to accept a gift-in-kind. Our decision is based on the university’s Gift Acceptance policy which has been developed to consider the needs and intentions of the donors, as well as the university’s ability to manage these gifts. Receipting of gifts-in-kind is guided by rules established by the Canada Revenue Agency and the Income Tax Act. See our Gift in Kind policy for details. If you have questions, please contact

Donors to NSCAD University are celebrated and recognized in many ways.


  • Our annual Stewardship Report provides a listing of all donors from the last fiscal year. (NSCAD’s fiscal year starts April 1 and runs through March 31 of the following calendar year, following the practice of the Canadian government.)
  • We have digital “donor walls” associated with fundraising activities. You can meet the donors to the Institute for the Study of Canadian Slavery, the generous supporters of our 2020 Giving Tuesday Campaign and the donors who supported the Emergency Bursary Fund.

Absolutely. Please let us know of your preference when making your gift and we will safeguard your privacy.

If you are filing income tax in Canada you may claim your donation. NSCAD’s charitable ID is 107788192RR0001. Charitable receipts are issued by the university. If you need a copy of yours, please contact

NSCAD University  is an approved beneficiary of the Council for Canadian American Relations (CCAR), a 501(c)(3) public charity in the U.S. that is a “qualified donee” under the Income Tax Act (Canada). For information about CCAR please visit or contact

Under the Canadian-US income tax convention, US donors are entitled to an income tax deduction for contributions to NSCAD University if the donor or a family member is or was enrolled at the university.