ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

The macphee centre's white walls adorned with art, guitars, bongos and other creative materials
Image courtesy of the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning

Apply today for the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning’s Community Studio Residency

Call for submissions: MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning Residency

Deadline: May 30, 2022 at 5 p.m.

Application form:

Being able to do the MacPhee Residency Program was a powerful experience for me in the transition from student to emerging artist. Maintaining an active studio practice as a new graduate can be so difficult, but I felt that the program provided me with both the time and the space to develop the skillset needed to do so.
– Emily Lawrence (BFA 2017), CSR Alumna

The MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning is seeking two NSCAD alumni who have graduated in the last two years to participate in a Community Studio

The macphee centre's white walls adorned with art, guitars, bongos and other creative materials
Image courtesy of the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning

Residency starting in September 2022. Located at 50 Queen St. in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia this year long residency is hosted by the MacPhee Centre for Creative Learning. This residency offers easy access to local schools and NSCAD Campuses. The 3rd floor studio loft is naturally lit, secure and allows 24hr access. There is some storage space available and access to a public space on the ground floor to display work. As a requirement for this residency participants must commit to approximately up to 32 hours of workshop/program delivery at the centre.

For further information on how to apply and what to expect as part of the residency please visit the Application Form.

For more information, please contact:

MacPhee Centre:

NSCAD: Erinn Langille