ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Honorary Degree Committee Call for Nominations

Honorary Degree Committee Call for Nominations for 2021 RecipientsDoctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa) and Life Fellow
Closing date: Friday, September 27, 2019

NSCAD’s Honorary Degree Committee is charged with selecting individuals, for conferral of the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa) and the new appointment of Life Fellow. To this end, the committee seeks nominations for individuals from the NSCAD community.

Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa)

Dr. Rebecca Belmore, Doctor of Fine Arts (honoris causa) 2019

By awarding honorary degrees, NSCAD University seeks to recognize extraordinary achievement, in Canada or abroad, in community, national or international involvement, and to honour those individuals whose accomplishments are of such generally perceived excellence that they provide, through example, inspiration and leadership to the graduates of the University.

Their esteem should be such that, by virtue of accepting an honorary degree, their presence will bring honour and distinction to NSCAD University.

The Committee defines as broad a range of categories for achievement as possible in obtaining and considering nominations. In determining the leaders and exemplars to honour, it will seek over time to achieve a balance across disciplines and backgrounds. The Committee also considers the association nominees may have with NSCAD University or with higher education more broadly. The Committee also attempts to reflect the national character of Canada, the desirable features of its regional and cultural diversity, and the character and diversity of the University itself. As such, it is necessary for the Committee to have a diverse pool of candidates so that it may consider diversity in all of its dimensions.

The Committee will seek nominations of candidates who have demonstrated:

  1. Inspirational leadership in, or service to, society;
  2. Outstanding contributions to, or leadership in, a field or discipline of study or a non‐academic area of achievement; or
  3. Significant pattern of outstanding achievement at, or contributions to, NSCAD University. Particular consideration will be given to those candidates whose contributions or leadership have not yet been widely recognized, but which merit such recognition. Every effort will be made to select candidates who are reflective of the diversity of the University community and of Canadian society.

The following persons are not eligible for consideration for an honorary degree: Current members of the faculty, staff, the Board of Governors, or their immediate families; Current students; Individuals who are active in any level of Canadian political life, although exceptions may be made for Governors General or Lieutenant‐Governors, judges and others whose appointments place them outside active partisan politics.

Nominators should ensure that their nomination letter and supporting materials provide reasons for the nomination and are as complete as possible. They should cite the pre‐eminence of the individual nominee in his/her respective field, and/or achievements and accomplishments of an outstanding nature. If submitting multiple nominations, they are encouraged to provide a ranking for those nominations. This will both assist the Committee in their deliberations and may reduce the amount of supplementary information requested by the Committee.

Life Fellow  

By appointing an individual as a Life Fellow NSCAD University seeks to recognize former faculty, staff, alumni and other individuals who have made significant, long term contributions to the life and development of the University. The recognition is seen as an appropriate way in which to honour persons who might not be nominated for an Honorary Degree.

The following persons are not eligible for consideration for appointment as a Life Fellow: Current members of the faculty, staff, the Board of Governors, or their immediate families; Current students; Individuals who are active in any level of Canadian political life, although exceptions may be made for Governors General or Lieutenant‐Governors, judges and others whose appointments place them outside active partisan politics.

Nominators should ensure that their nomination letter and supporting materials provide reasons for the nomination and are as complete as possible. They should cite the significant, long term contributions to the life and development of the University by the nominee.

To assure the confidentiality of the process, nominators shall keep the nomination confidential from the nominee. Do not initiate a letterwriting campaign to support nomination; doing so will not influence the outcome.

Closing date: Friday, September 27, 2019

Additional information: 7.10 Honorary Degree Committee Policy

Please send all nomination documentation in electronic or paper format to:

Att: Honorary Degree Committee
c/o Chris McFarlane
Manager, Stewardship and Advancement Services
Office of University Relations (Rm. D400)
5163 Duke Street
Halifax, NS B3J 3J6