Advisory: As Halifax Water is currently undertaking work at the Fountain campus, we ask our community to not drink the water at the Fountain campus. We will update you as soon as the work has been completed.

NSCAD student exhibition: Grey Kimber Piitaapan Muldoon

NSCAD student exhibition!
Title: Current Equipment
Artist: Grey Kimber Piitaapan Muldoon, undergraduate exhibitor
When: November 17-26, 2020
Where: Anna Leonowens Window Galleries, Gallery 3, 1889 + 1891 Granville St. and 1894 Hollis St.
Synopsis: Grey Kimber Piitaapan Muldoon installs vantages, projections, interiors, perceptions, gravities, and lights. Live feed videos from the International Space Station and from an eagle rehabilitation facility in Nova Scotia fill the North and South windows. Pre-recorded video of lakes bounce from a headlamp inside. The inner-space is gently animated nightly and visitors may peer in from the central window, one or two at a time.
Can you envision yourself as a student exhibitor at NSCAD? Register for our winter 2021 semester today: