ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

NSCAD student sculptures on display at Halifax Stanfield

Credit: Halifax International Airport Authority

The corridor between the arrivals and the main lobby area of Halifax Stanfield International Airport has been transformed into a temporary art gallery, featuring works by eight emerging sculptors from NSCAD University.

Created by 3rd and 4th year students in NSCAD’s Sculptural Propositions course, the exhibition of public art concepts draws on the airport itself as inspiration. “Each time the course is offered, a new site is proposed for students to consider for their work,” says Professor Steve Higgins. “This year we chose the Halifax Stanfield International Airport.”

“This particular element of the course is a mock public sculpture competition, designed to help students develop the practical business skills they’ll need to succeed as professional artists,” explains Higgins.

As part of the learning process, the eight students were given a “budget” and required to present a comprehensive analysis of the materials and costs necessary for their sculptures – including fabrication costs and installation expenses – along with a proposed time-line to complete their work and a contract detailing obligations between each artist and the Halifax International Airport Authority.

The resulting scale-sized sculptural maquettes, or models, will be displayed on plinths, accompanied by explanatory panels that introduce each student’s concept. The exhibition runs from December 10 to January 14, 2011.

“We are delighted to partner with NSCAD University and bring these impressive student art pieces to Halifax Stanfield,” says Tom Ruth, Halifax International Airport Authority President & CEO. “With the busy holiday travel season upon us, the artwork is sure to gain great exposure among thousands of travellers.”

“Here at NSCAD University, we produce amazing creative and critical thinkers, driven to make a difference,” adds David B. Smith, NSCAD President. “And we do so by stepping outside the classroom and into the community, touching people in tangible and lasting ways.”

“We’re honoured to continue this tradition of community outreach, partnership and engagement here at Atlantic Canada’s premier airport, and sincerely thank the HIAA staff for their generosity and support throughout the project.”