ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Generous gift from RBC

NSCAD University has received a generous $40,000 gift from the RBC Foundation.
The gift, received through the RBC Emerging Artists Project, will support the creation of NSCAD’s graduation catalogue, provide curatorial support for the graduation exhibition and allow for the continuation of an art exchange project in which artwork by NSCAD students is featured at the RBC Dominion Securities Halifax office.

As well, funds will support the Airport Project, allowing students in Steve Higgins and Kim Morgan’s Advanced Sculpture Workshop to create and install site-specific works at the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. The exhibition, which opened Monday, Dec. 10, will be on display for 10 months. With more than 1.7 million people passing through the airport each year, the Airport Project brings a whole new audience to NSCAD student works.

“We are really excited to expand on our relationship with RBC to better showcase student art in a more public realm with the Airport Project,” said Linda Hutchison, director of University Relations, Alumni and Development.

The RBC Foundation has supported the graduation catalogue and accompanying exhibition since its inception in 2007. The catalogue and exhibition features the best work by NSCAD’s graduating class—providing a snapshot of any given year while adding to each graduate’s portfolio.

The annual catalogue and exhibition provides internships for two students, one to design and coordinate the catalogue, the other to curate and coordinate the exhibition. This year, third-year design student Sebastian Tory-Pratt from Toronto, Ont. has been selected as the designer for the 2013 Graduation Catalogue and fourth-year BFA student Natalie MacDonald, from Fergus, Ont., as the curatorial assistant for the 2013 Graduation Exhibition.