Forms Portal
The NSCAD forms portal is where students, staff and faculty can find important forms related to work and studying at NSCAD. Please sign in with your NSCAD username and password. To access the portal, click here.
Additional Forms and Downloads:
Academic Forms
Academic Appeal Guidelines
Students should use the appropriate academic appeal form linked below. For more information on how to submit an appeal, you may contact Hayley van Kroonenburg.
Change of Grade Request
Students may use this form to request a change of a final grade. This is the first step in the grade appeal process.
Course Add/Drop Form
Students may use this form to submit their course selections, or to add or drop classes. Please note that posted add/drop dates are in effect.
NSCAD Independent Study Approval Form
Declaration of Degree, Major and Minor
Students may use this form to declare their major and/or minor after completion of their Foundation program and specific major requirements.
Letter of Permission for Host Universities
Students in good academic standing intending to take a course on a “letter of permission” at Dalhousie University, University of King’s College,
MSVU, SMU or another host institution are required to complete this form and bring it to the Office of the Registrar for validation.
Re-Entering After an Absence
Students intending to return to NSCAD University to resume their studies after an absence of three semesters or more may use this form.
Request for transcript of academic record:
– Unofficial transcript
– Official transcript
Withdrawal for a Semester or Permanently
Students withdrawing from all classes must complete the Withdrawal Form. If a student does not formally withdraw from NSCAD, the student will be charged full tuition fees and other applicable fees.
Withdrawal from a semester is effective the date written notification is received in the Office of the Registrar. The Office of Finance and Administration will be notified by the Office of the Registrar. Until official written notification is received by NSCAD, students are ineligible for any refund of fees or exemption from unpaid fees. If the student’s withdrawal will result in a refund, the student must apply for the refund at the time of her/his change in registration status.
Note: Non-attendance does not constitute official withdrawal and will result in a student receiving a fail grade and being ineligible for any refund of fees or exemption from unpaid fees.
Master of Fine Arts Forms
Application to Enroll in a Course at an Outside Institution
This form is for NSCAD University students who would like to enroll on a letter of permission at an outside institution. This form is to be reviewed by the director of the MFA program and the registrar. Please be sure to complete a letter of permission form as well.
Program Advisor Agreement Form for MFA Graduate Students
Graduate Independent Research Form
Graduate students in the MFA program may use this form to apply to register for graduate-level independent research courses.
Visiting Graduate Independent Research Form
Visiting graduate students may use this form to apply to register in graduate-level independent research courses.
Graduation Forms
Undergraduate Application to Graduate (BA, BFA, BDes)
Graduate Application to Graduate (MFA, MDes, MAED)
Post-Graduate Application to Graduate (PBAC, VAC)
Students are required to apply to graduate. Deadlines are as follows:
– October 30: Graduation in April (Commencement Ceremony)
– February 15: Graduation in August (degree conferral October 15)
– February 15: Graduation in December (degree conferral February 15 of the following year)
Financial Forms
Material Refund Form
This form must be submitted to the Office of Finance and Administration to receive a refund of material fees after the semester has begun. Please read the form carefully for instructions.
General Forms
Change of Address
If your local or permanent address changes, it is very important that this information is updated on your Self-Service account. If you have trouble updating your account, please email
Locker Application and Policy
Submit this form to the Security Desk at the Port Campus if you wish to obtain a port locker. Please read the instructions carefully.
Release of Student Information
Submit this form to the Office of the Registrar if you wish to have elements of your academic file (e.g., grades, transcripts, etc.) released to anyone other than yourself. This form can also be used for release to third parties for items such as confirmation of degree completion for employment purposes.
Retract Release of Student Information