ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Spring & Summer Classes with NSCAD Extended Studies

Spring Is in Full Swing!
We are celebrating all things art this term with our expansive course offerings! With a full array of new and exciting art classes, we’re putting the focus on growing your art as much as possible this year. Whether it’s exploring the natural world of plants in The Art of Botany or discovering new sides of photographing the city in Exploring Halifax Landscapes, there’s lots to look at with our exciting Spring selection.

NSCAD Extended Studies offers quality artistic classes to the community. Regardless of your current experience or abilities in starting Extended Studies classes, we’re here to help you grow & learn, and to have fun! Whether you’re interested in career or personal enrichment, taking courses as a stepping-stone to full-time studies, or just for the fun of it, we offer a wide range of short and long- term courses, workshops, open studios and online courses. For NSCAD Alumni and Seniors (65+), we offer 20% off all adult courses, so take a look and see what’s new:

Engaging Youth Classes

We are bringing more opportunities than ever this term for youth to advance their skills! With NEW! Draw & Paint at Night, Patrick Burgomaster will lead ages 14-18 through methods in handling different acrylic, watercolour, and ink paintings as well as ways to strengthen their drawing skills-perfect for those looking to build their portfolio. If storytelling is more your thing, Kyle Bridgett is bringing back Graphic Novel Fundamentals to help teens excel at comic creation! In addition to our classes Saturday Youth Art for ages 5-18, we’re also bringing back Saturday Ceramics for ages 10-18!

Photography For All Types

Focus on your passion! We’ve grown our Photography offerings this term with new courses like: Exploring Halifax Landscapes, Making a Photographic Book, Smartphone Photography, and Photography II for those looking to advance their existing skills. Whether you want to get out and about exploring your city, are looking to make a physical, professional example of your work, or want to unlock the full potential of your smartphone, there’s something for everyone!

Turn Your Talent Into a Business

Are you going to be travelling around the province a lot this spring? Maybe you’re outside the city, and have the itch to expand your current passion into a business? Carolyn Crewe of Duckish Natural Skincare is here this term to teach you the ins and outs of starting a business from scratch with Turn Your Talent Into a Business (ONLINE)! This exciting course is done entirely online, so there’s no need to be tied down by location! Carolyn will discuss how to design a business model as well as the fundamentals of marketing, basic financial information, approaching places to sell your work, building your website—it is a wealth of information, perfect for those looking to expand their passion professionally!

Getting A-Head

NSCAD University MFA student Cullen Bingeman comes to our classes for the first time, to offer his expertise in portraiture with NEW! Head-Start on Head Drawing! Drawing from his extensive studies in the subject, Cullen will guide you in the tools, tips, and tricks in creating more realistic, artistic portraits. If you’d like to get your hands messy, we’re offering NEW! Sculpting the Human Figure with Leigh Gillam, who will teach you how to build up your creation through studies in the skeletal structure, the muscle groups, and more.

Summer Camps Galore!

It’s a full season of fun for the little ones this year! For ages 5-18, our summer is bursting at the seams with classes in animation, painting, drawing, writing, ceramics, fashion, sculpture, sewing, comic creation—there is just so much in motion! All camps are 9am-4pm with early pick-up and drop-off available, free of charge. Campers can expect to get their hands messy as they tackle a plethora of artistic mediums, challenging their boundaries and seeing how art connects to our environment, performance, the city, monsters, and more. We’re halfway at capacity though, so be sure to see what’s available before it’s gone!

For more course information click HERE.
Contact us at 902.494.8224 |

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