ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Summer Camps Start Early at NSCAD

Check out our innovative Halifax art camp the week of June 25-29, 2018

The fun starts early at NSCAD with our NEW summer camp starting June 25th. We have a camp for all ages, each with a goal to aid your child’s development and help them integrate healthy self-awareness and wellness into their daily routines.

Halifax art camp

Our famously fun Halifax art camp explores a variety of themes that inspire curious young minds, as they participate in workshops and explore a whole new world of art and design, and learn social and educational skills.

Our summer kids camps include all materials, lunch supervision, early drop-off (8:30am), and late (5:00pm) pick-up. Students are each given a free NSCAD t-shirt to encourage an uninhibited art practice. Lunchtimes are not only supervised, they offer creative and engaging activities for kids of all skills levels.

Visit the Halifax Art Camp Exhibition, Port Loggia Gallery, NSCAD University, to see work created by the campers throughout the entire Summer.


NSCAD Port Campus,1107 Marginal Road
Mon to Fri 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuition: $ 295 all materials included
Registration deadline: June 18 2018

Register your child HERE

 teaching art NSCAD

Fantasy Forest (ages 5-8) 

Fantasy! Frogs! Fairies! Bring your wand, because it’s about to magical! Throughout the week, campers in this class will explore the depths and mysteries of the wild woods. With exercises in drawing, painting, crafting and more, we’ll bring our art to unseen levels of wonder!

Halifax art campHeroes and Villians (ages 9-11) 

The battle between good and evil have been at the center of countless throughout the centuries. In this course, students will divided into two groups and will be tasked with creating a life size team of heroes or villains. Each student in the group will be tasked with creating their own character along with, a description, a backstory, a costume, and accessories.

Halifax art campSew Stylish (ages12-14) 

Explore the fiber arts while making yourself a fun collection of accessories! Campers will learn a range of techniques including (but not limited to) both hand and machine sewing, embroidery, beading, macrame, and printing/dying. Projects will be structured to allow participants as much design freedom as possible, and will include bags, scarves, belts, jewelry, hats and more!

Halifax art campThe Art of Craft ( ages 15-18) 

Learn a variety of relaxing, crafting skills! This course will result in the creation of objects intended to help students implement healthy self care routines into their lives.

To see some amazing work from our youth check out our Summer Camp BLOG: