ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Update from the Presidential Search Committee

Dear NSCAD community,

The search for the next president of NSCAD is beginning a very important final round of community engagement. 

In early August, the search committee arrived at a shortlist of six candidates who were invited to interviews with the search committee. Following those interviews, the committee reduced the field further and have invited back three candidates who are progressing to the final round of stakeholder meetings and interviews.

This next round of meetings will include members of the wider NSCAD community and will take place over two days using the digital platforms and formats that have proven effective in the search to date. The groups to be invited include those who took part in the initial online engagement forums with our search firm Perrett Laver. Schedules and details for these meetings are currently being finalized.

Updates on the committee’s work will continue to be shared on the presidential search webpage, through which members of the NSCAD community are welcome to provide input to the committee at any point in the process.

Jim Horwich, Presidential Search Committee Chair
NSCAD Board of Governors