ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Student Resources


Welcome NSCAD students, we are thrilled to have you here! To help you while you’re studying at NSCAD, we offer supports and services accessible to all students.

– Steve McNiven (BFA 1989, BA 1993) is a Marvel Comics superstar, whose illustrative storytelling skills bring Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers, Wolverine and Captain America to life.

2021 Student Art Award finalist, Sarah Graeme


An essential resource for students, including information on our academic programs, application requirements, course information and more.


A snapshot of important dates to keep track of during the
academic year.



NSCAD University maintains a job bank for students to find employment and placement opportunities.

Scholarships and

NSCAD University has a variety of scholarship and bursary opportunities for current students. Learn more, including how to apply.

Scholarships and

NSCAD University has a variety of scholarship and bursary opportunities for current students. Learn more, including how to apply.

Student Access

Here you’ll find all of the online services available to you during your time at NSCADfrom NSCAD webmail to your password manager.

Student Services

A NSCAD student sitting at a computer in the NSCAD Learning Commons.
A NSCAD student sitting at a computer in the NSCAD Learning Commons.

Student Services

Student Services

Student Services


Writing supports for students in any year of study.


Writing supports for students in any year of study. Find out more about what is offered at the Writing Centre by clicking the button below.


Here you will find tuition information, including a breakdown of academic fees.


Here you will find tuition information, including a breakdown of academic fees.


Here you will find tuition information, including a breakdown of academic fees.