From inquiry, to art, to action. Be part of the solution.

Commemorate African Heritage Month 2022 by investing in transformative social change. Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 to support the 2022-2023 cohort of artists-in-residence and graduate fellows at NSCAD University’s Institute for the Study of Canadian Slavery. 

Established in 2020, The Institute for the Study of Canadian Slavery is the first and only research centre dedicated to the study of Canada’s 200-year history of Transatlantic Slavery. Through the convergence of scholarship, art, and outreach, the Institute is a space where traditional academic research fellows collaborate with artists-in-residence in a fertile, creative environment.

An investment in the Institute is an investment in resilience, reconciliation and progress towards a more just and equitable society for all Canadians.

From inquiry, to art, to action, your donation gives voice to talented artists and academics who are working to understand our past and change our future.

Learn more about the current fellows

Fall 2021 artist-in-residence fellow, Tonya “Sam’Gwan” Paris