ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.


Winter in-course scholarships now open

Applications for Winter 2023 in-course scholarship are now open through the NSCAD Form Portal, under the “Awards” header. These applications are accesible by all current

Six Faculty Opportunities at NSCAD University

As part of the ongoing implementation of anti-racist practices and dismantling of oppressive institutional structures, NSCAD is pleased to announce a second cohort hiring initiative

NSCAD’s Alumni Ring is Getting a Make-over

NSCAD’s alumni ring designed by Karen Konzuk ( BFA 1997) will be updated in 2024 with a brand-new design. What will NSCAD’s alumni be wearing? The competition is open to current NSCAD Jewellery & Metalsmithing students and recent graduates (2018-2022) of the program.

NSCAD at Nocturne 2022

NSCAD University and Nocturne are a natural pairing in a creative city like Halifax. As the province’s leading cultural institution, it is no surprise that

NSCAD launches equity census

NSCAD’s equity census is open until October 21, 2022. The data collected will help identify and remove barriers to participation, and help evaluate equity, diversity and inclusion efforts on an annual basis.

Winter in-course scholarships now open

Applications for Winter 2023 in-course scholarship are now open through the NSCAD Form Portal, under the “Awards” header. These applications are accesible by all current

Six Faculty Opportunities at NSCAD University

As part of the ongoing implementation of anti-racist practices and dismantling of oppressive institutional structures, NSCAD is pleased to announce a second cohort hiring initiative

NSCAD’s Alumni Ring is Getting a Make-over

NSCAD’s alumni ring designed by Karen Konzuk ( BFA 1997) will be updated in 2024 with a brand-new design. What will NSCAD’s alumni be wearing? The competition is open to current NSCAD Jewellery & Metalsmithing students and recent graduates (2018-2022) of the program.

NSCAD at Nocturne 2022

NSCAD University and Nocturne are a natural pairing in a creative city like Halifax. As the province’s leading cultural institution, it is no surprise that

NSCAD launches equity census

NSCAD’s equity census is open until October 21, 2022. The data collected will help identify and remove barriers to participation, and help evaluate equity, diversity and inclusion efforts on an annual basis.