Advisory: As Halifax Water is currently undertaking work at the Fountain campus, we ask our community to not drink the water at the Fountain campus. We will update you as soon as the work has been completed.


2 + 2 = win win

NSCC and NSCAD’s 2+2 programs add up to “win win,” according to a NSCAD University professor. “It’s really a win win set up,” says Adrian

Things Are Looking Up At NSCAD

Things are looking up for NSCAD University this fall. The number of full-time undergraduate and graduate students has increased by 9.2 per cent or (58

NSCAD and King’s collaborate

A new collaboration between NSCAD University and the University of King’s College will open up opportunities for students at both schools. Dr. Daniel O’Brien, President

NSCAD, NSCC sign articulation agreement

NSCAD University and Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) are partnering to make it easier for design grads with a diploma to become design grads with

2 + 2 = win win

NSCC and NSCAD’s 2+2 programs add up to “win win,” according to a NSCAD University professor. “It’s really a win win set up,” says Adrian

Things Are Looking Up At NSCAD

Things are looking up for NSCAD University this fall. The number of full-time undergraduate and graduate students has increased by 9.2 per cent or (58

NSCAD and King’s collaborate

A new collaboration between NSCAD University and the University of King’s College will open up opportunities for students at both schools. Dr. Daniel O’Brien, President

NSCAD, NSCC sign articulation agreement

NSCAD University and Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) are partnering to make it easier for design grads with a diploma to become design grads with