ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.


//Responsive 2017 Lights up the Night

It’s an art exhibition the likes of which Halifax has never seen. //Responsive: International Light Art Project Halifax is an exhibition of light projects taking

Remembering Teto Elsiddque

From a member of the NSCAD faculty, Sara Hartland-Rowe: The NSCAD community is grieving the loss of a beloved student, artist and friend, Teto (Tirhaga)

2 + 2 = win win

NSCC and NSCAD’s 2+2 programs add up to “win win,” according to a NSCAD University professor. “It’s really a win win set up,” says Adrian

//Responsive 2017 Lights up the Night

It’s an art exhibition the likes of which Halifax has never seen. //Responsive: International Light Art Project Halifax is an exhibition of light projects taking

Remembering Teto Elsiddque

From a member of the NSCAD faculty, Sara Hartland-Rowe: The NSCAD community is grieving the loss of a beloved student, artist and friend, Teto (Tirhaga)

2 + 2 = win win

NSCC and NSCAD’s 2+2 programs add up to “win win,” according to a NSCAD University professor. “It’s really a win win set up,” says Adrian