ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.


International students travelling to Nova Scotia

We are thrilled to be returning to predominantly in-person learning for the fall 2021 semester and look forward to welcoming all international students travelling to Nova Scotia to study with us!

Celebrating June with the NSCAD Library

In celebration of both Pride and National Indigenous History Month, the NSCAD Library has created a curated list of available resources from these two communities. Though this list merely scratches the surface of what’s available at the Library, it is a great starting point.

Update from the Presidential Search Committee

The Presidential Search Committee, working with executive search firm Perret Laver, is committed to providing the NSCAD community with progress updates throughout the search process. Stage 1 – the consultation process – is now complete.

NSCAD University celebrates Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month

In June, we celebrate and acknowledge two historically marginalized communities in the celebration of Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. We are presented with the opportunity to honour the diverse perspectives from within our community and people around us, to reflect on our collective and individual responsibilities to create an inclusive campus where everyone is valued and belongs, and to reaffirm our commitment to championing an ethic of social justice and to making NSCAD a safe and welcoming space for all.

Honoring the 215 lives lost in Tk’emlups territory

We are deeply saddened to learn of the remains of 215 children discovered at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in Tk’emlups territory. These lives were stolen and we grieve with Indigenous communities across Canada, and the survivors and their families. To honour survivors and the 215 lives lost, NSCAD University will shine orange lights on Fountain Campus for nine days (215 hours).

International students travelling to Nova Scotia

We are thrilled to be returning to predominantly in-person learning for the fall 2021 semester and look forward to welcoming all international students travelling to Nova Scotia to study with us!

Celebrating June with the NSCAD Library

In celebration of both Pride and National Indigenous History Month, the NSCAD Library has created a curated list of available resources from these two communities. Though this list merely scratches the surface of what’s available at the Library, it is a great starting point.

Update from the Presidential Search Committee

The Presidential Search Committee, working with executive search firm Perret Laver, is committed to providing the NSCAD community with progress updates throughout the search process. Stage 1 – the consultation process – is now complete.

NSCAD University celebrates Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month

In June, we celebrate and acknowledge two historically marginalized communities in the celebration of Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. We are presented with the opportunity to honour the diverse perspectives from within our community and people around us, to reflect on our collective and individual responsibilities to create an inclusive campus where everyone is valued and belongs, and to reaffirm our commitment to championing an ethic of social justice and to making NSCAD a safe and welcoming space for all.

Honoring the 215 lives lost in Tk’emlups territory

We are deeply saddened to learn of the remains of 215 children discovered at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in Tk’emlups territory. These lives were stolen and we grieve with Indigenous communities across Canada, and the survivors and their families. To honour survivors and the 215 lives lost, NSCAD University will shine orange lights on Fountain Campus for nine days (215 hours).