ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.

Thank you
To our I.D.E.A. Fund Donors

NSCAD University extends its heartfelt gratitude to all those who have contributed to the I.D.E.A. Fund. Your generosity is igniting change, empowering dreams, and shaping futures for students from African Nova Scotian, Mi’kmaq communities, and those transitioning from foster care. 

Your impact 

Through your support, you are opening doors to art and design education, providing vital opportunities for those who may face unique challenges in accessing higher learning. Your commitment to inclusivity and empowerment is transforming lives and creating a brighter, more equitable future for all. 

A vision of hope 

Led by President Peggy Shannon, the I.D.E.A. Fund stands as a beacon of hope, embodying NSCAD University’s dedication to diversity, equity, and accessibility. Together, we are building a community where every student has the chance to thrive. 

Forever grateful  

As your names adorn this digital donor wall, know that your kindness echoes through the halls of NSCAD, inspiring generations to come. Your legacy of compassion and support will forever be cherished by our students, our faculty, and our entire community. 

Thank you for believing. 

With deepest appreciation, 

NSCAD University 



President Peggy Shannon


William Barker & Elizabeth Church

Cheryl Hann


Dartmouth Visual Arts Society

Lindsay-Bea Davis

Jim Horwich

Kim & Phillip Knoll of the J. Dukelow Bursary


Jordan Bennett

David & Vivian Howard 

Anonymous (1)


Frank Anderson, Bruce DeBaie, Thierry Delva, Judy Farrell, Barbara Lounder & Robert Bean, Andy Murdoch, Emma Piirtoniemi, Anonymous (3) 


Simme Altenberg, Don Ball, Brian Clavier, Carolyn Condé, Leah Decter, David Drapak, Neil Forrest, Leslie Gotfrit, Cynthia A. Henry, Marlene Ivey, Alex Livingston & Heather MacLeod, Jane Milton & Geoffrey Saunders, Dr. Jock & Janet Murray, Lesley Palfreyman, Pamela Parker, Ginny Perkins, Alisa Snyder, Jeff & Angela Somerville, Martha Townsend, Anonymous (7) 

Under $100

Melissa Ball, Ying-Yueh Chuang, Jean Dunbar, Scott Everingham, Rebecca Hannon & Anton Christiansen, Edith Hicks, Pam Jones, Allan MacKay, Calvin Taplay, Kathryn Toope, Anonymous (8) 

Ignite change.
Empower dreams.

Donors step up to help NSCAD students