Advisory: As Halifax Water is currently undertaking work at the Fountain campus, we ask our community to not drink the water at the Fountain campus. We will update you as soon as the work has been completed.


A conversation with Robert Storr

Curator, critic, painter, writer and academic, Robert Storr is regarded one of the most clear and rigorous thinkers in the art world today. Throughout his

NSCAD’s AGM Communications

NSCAD University hosted its annual general meeting September 20, 2018,  announcing its new board chair and members, and releasing its 2017-2018 Annual Report. “…. our

Cultural Hub Survey Now Open

Have your say! Help shape the vision for NSCAD University as part of the proposed cultural hub on the Halifax waterfront. Please answer the cultural

A conversation with Robert Storr

Curator, critic, painter, writer and academic, Robert Storr is regarded one of the most clear and rigorous thinkers in the art world today. Throughout his

NSCAD’s AGM Communications

NSCAD University hosted its annual general meeting September 20, 2018,  announcing its new board chair and members, and releasing its 2017-2018 Annual Report. “…. our

Cultural Hub Survey Now Open

Have your say! Help shape the vision for NSCAD University as part of the proposed cultural hub on the Halifax waterfront. Please answer the cultural