ADVISORY: All of Halifax Peninsula, including NSCAD’s three campuses, are currently under a boil water advisory until further notice. All water must be boiled for at least one minute if it will be used for drinking or any other activity requiring human consumption.


Wordless book speaks volumes

Sydney Smith can trace his success as a children’s book illustrator to one inspiring moment. Then a NSCAD student, now a 2015 Governor General Award

Alumni profile: Anna Whalen

Selecting the right post-secondary school can be a difficult decision, one that has to take many factors into account: the learning environment, the faculty and

NSCAD’s Holiday Pop-Up

NSCAD will host the second annual Holiday Pop-Up, taking place Friday, Nov. 27, 4-9 pm, and Saturday, Nov. 28, 9 am to 5 pm, at

A different kind of fashion show

LUNENBURG, NS – Worn Well is a different kind of fashion collection, namely because style is just one of the considerations that went into its

Scholarship for Student Involvement

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex made a $2000 “gift” in support of the Student Union: $1,000 in support of the student orientation and $1,000 in support

Remembering Wallie

A baseball caught in a glove, a list of significant events from 1974, a bat in mid-swing, a mustard-drizzled hot dog, cheeks smeared with black

Meet master printer Jill Graham

“She’s odd but in the most brilliant way,” said visiting artist Endi Poskovic, while peering intently at a limestone slab. A print artist, he is

Wordless book speaks volumes

Sydney Smith can trace his success as a children’s book illustrator to one inspiring moment. Then a NSCAD student, now a 2015 Governor General Award

Alumni profile: Anna Whalen

Selecting the right post-secondary school can be a difficult decision, one that has to take many factors into account: the learning environment, the faculty and

NSCAD’s Holiday Pop-Up

NSCAD will host the second annual Holiday Pop-Up, taking place Friday, Nov. 27, 4-9 pm, and Saturday, Nov. 28, 9 am to 5 pm, at

A different kind of fashion show

LUNENBURG, NS – Worn Well is a different kind of fashion collection, namely because style is just one of the considerations that went into its

Scholarship for Student Involvement

TD Insurance Meloche Monnex made a $2000 “gift” in support of the Student Union: $1,000 in support of the student orientation and $1,000 in support

Remembering Wallie

A baseball caught in a glove, a list of significant events from 1974, a bat in mid-swing, a mustard-drizzled hot dog, cheeks smeared with black

Meet master printer Jill Graham

“She’s odd but in the most brilliant way,” said visiting artist Endi Poskovic, while peering intently at a limestone slab. A print artist, he is